Denso Czech s.r.o.

Create the future with an innovative approach.
We support the region in which we operate in many areas.
Our goal is above-standard customer support, employee care, cooperation with business partners and support for the region.


DENSO Czech s.r.o.

Modrá 1080, 285 22 Zruč nad Sázavou
Czech Republic
Company ID: 27124568 TAX
ID: CZ27124568

The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 98113.

President of the company

Prezident - IKEYA Yohei



Basic data

  • Established: 13.2.2004
  • Address: Modrá 1080,
    28522 Zruč nad Sázavou
  • Built-up area of the plant: 19 000 m2
Denso logo

Basic economic indicators

  • Number of employees: 220
  • Business turnover: 3,5 billion CZK
  • Investment: 220 million (plant extension)
vyrobky nahled


  • Assembly of wiper systems.
  • Warehousing and logistics services.